Family Therapy in Georgia
Building & Mending Bridges for a Better Path Forward
At Red Top Wellness Center, we pair clinical treatments with a supportive, nurturing home lifestyle to help those dealing with mental health disorders—with the goal being long-term control over symptoms. Research shows that family support can be valuable to recovery efforts for virtually all mental health conditions—decreasing relapse rates and associated hospitalizations. That is why our team is proud to offer comprehensive family therapy and education programs as a part of our Georgia residential treatment program. The term ‘family’ doesn’t necessarily mean blood relatives either, and instead, we encourage patients to view this dynamic as their support system.
Why Is Family Therapy Important?
Most family therapy sessions focus around three major topics: improving communication skills, dealing with conflict, and creating a properly functioning home environment. Developing, strengthening, and maintaining relationships with your support system is especially important for those with mental health issues.
Enhancing Recovery Through Family Therapy in Georgia
We understand that participants and their families can have complicated dynamics steeped in history and engrained patterns. This means that families even with the best of intentions might find therapy to be a useful way to build new outlooks and behaviors. Our licensed psychologists and therapists will help create a tailored family therapy plan that best meets the needs of the participant.
Family Therapy Can Help:
- Pinpoint specific pain points and talk through how your family has handled them in the past
- Learn new ways to relate to members of your family
- Develop and maintain healthy boundaries
- Identify and overcome unhealthy communication patterns, including co-dependency and over-involvement
- Reduce conflict
- Facilitate cohesion
- Set individual and communal goals
- Develop strategies and action plans to work toward set goals
In addition to our therapy sessions, we offer families psychoeducation and resources to demystify conditions, treatment, and recovery, provide support, and correct misconceptions. This can not only help family members understand and empathize with their loved one, but also make the reintegration process less intimidating and stressful for all. At Red Top Wellness Center, we strive to help patients and their loved ones find a better path forward to ensure a long and healthy family dynamic.

If you or a loved one is in need of mental health care, call us at (770) 637-7474 or fill out our contact form today.